I know that a full-fledged Calvinist adheres to the 5 points of Tulip. While there are various shades to each petal, there is a general consensus, it seems to me among Calvinists. Sometimes I read the word reformed and wonder what that means exactly. But if I dig too deeply, I'm bound to find variances within that term, also.
For the purpose of this question, are all Calvinists reformed?
MMM I would tend to say I am more reformed then calvinistic....
Sure I think Calvin was a good clear commentator, but it would be very rare for me to read his commentaries. I last read the Institutes in 1981.. and I think I read his commentaries in 1984..
The term reformed takes in a wider pedigree, where there are wider divergencies of opinion tolerated within a conservative evangelical framework.
The word "reformed" for me speaks more of kindness and breadth than warfare.
And so I tend to use that when I describe doctrines associated with election. My main self descriptor, however is conservative evangelical, because those things upon which we agree as conservative evangelicals are the things that are most at my heart.
Posted by: Grosey | September 12, 2007 at 10:40 PM
hmmmn, indeed, dear Grosey. so, are you saying that not all "reformed" are Calvinists? selahV
Posted by: selahV | September 13, 2007 at 12:30 AM
mmmm my dear henrietta :) I'd say those who use the term don't wish to be identified with a hard line faction.
Posted by: Grosey | September 13, 2007 at 04:30 AM