Just taking a quick break from my series on Thessalonians to mention a mundane matter. Fishy stuff, and Mob mentality.
I've been watching the speculations of pundits, spectacles of health-care town hall meetings, and explanations from politicians and meeting attendees for some time now. Last night I was listening to one news show, and a panel was trying to figure out why the White House and politicians were so adamant about calling vocal citizens "mobs". Some of the discussion hit upon the distant drumming of these people not being representative of Americans. The pro-health-care reformers and single-payer proponents are calling their opposition crazies, and dangerously reminiscent of Tim McVeigh anger, and militant enthusiasts. So, it occurred to me that possibly I have an answer for those pundits who are wondering why The White House wants everyone in America to report their neighbors' casual conversations, forwarded emails, websites, ETC. (my newspaper column, COMMON MATTERS), to [email protected]. *
Now, to be quite clear, I don't have the answer, just an answer. Who could possibly know the mind of the present administration? They're never clear. But in light of the following statement by President-elect Obama, I submit it may be part of the reason:
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We have to have a Civilian National Security Force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded..."?
Could calling the thousands of citizens protesting health-care and government invasion of their lives have rendered these opposing voices as "mobs", "crazies" and "fear mongers" have another goal in mind? Could it be just the fuel our now, duly elected, President Obama needs to form this National Security Force, he thinks we need? Could this National Security Force be the force to reckon with these "right-wing fringe groups", "astroturfers", "organized", "orchestrated", "manufactured" people, who are "distorting the facts" and creating fear in the hearts of the real America? Could we need a "Force" to assist city police departments, to control these "angry, yelling" crowds who may swell all the more, the more the government ignores their voices? Is this the force we need to enforce the rules of that HATE Bill that's been passed? I don't know.
It's hard to discern which people will be considered "mobs", "haters", and "fear mongers".
Did you hear about that one man who got bullied by some thugs who didn't like him handing out flags and buttons that said, "don't tread on me"? Yep. Happened last week. He was an African American Republican and some guys (one, another African American), knocked him down to the ground and called him the "N" word. Is that the kind of "mob" they are talking about? Or is it just "mobs" of citizens who are tired of being ignored by their government and saying so? You know..."mobs" of housewives, nurses, doctors, retired salesmen, and white-haired old ladies and veterans (who know what the VA health-care delivers).
This makes me wonder, if all these citizens with "mob mentality" that politicians, today, are citing will someday be silenced with greater force than ever imagined in America? Surely not. This administration doesn't seem too worried about people intimidating people. Our Attorney General's office just quashed the prosecution of the Black Panther dudes who showed up with a billy-club at the voting booths last November, so why would they be disturbed by a four folks who jostled a man who was giving away flags and buttons saying "don't tread on me" at one of those town-hall meetings?
I don't know about you folks, but I've never considered myself part of a "mob". I've had times when I did not like what I saw my government doing, and even went to a couple of town hall meetings to voice an opinion. That was years ago, however. I never did anything that would or could be classified as a "mob". I listened to each side. I tape-recorded their words. I wrote letters, even hand-delivered a couple to some politicians. When that didn't do much, I started a newspaper.
That was then. Today, well...I'm gonna just go to a few town hall meetings and see for myself what all the fuss is about. And I'm gonna write on-line what I think about it while I still can. selahV
* [UPDATE, Aug. 17, 09...The White House disabled the email address for reporting "fishy" emails and conversations among Americans. Guess they realized that was rude and an invasion of privacy. Why else would they remove it, after requesting information?]