"Professionals may have built the Titanic, and an amateur the Ark. This proves the Architect is really important."~~Netminister
I believe our country needs a founders' refresher course on building a successful government which cares for the people rather than their positions within the system of government. Unfortunately, this country has allowed too many ungodly people to dictate what the citizens must believe and then proceed to make laws to circumvent the Constitution. They're building, but without consulting the original plans. They rejected the architects' design for America--architects who trusted God, believed in Jesus and never sought to eliminate Him from life-- but to protect citizens from tyrannical government which would limit the ability of citizens to follow their faith.
America has strayed so far from the original intent of our founding fathers, it's no wonder we now fall far, far short of the blessings our country orignally enjoyed.
"...Unless the LORD builds the house,
They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the LORD guards the city,
The watchman keeps awake in vain.;..." Ps.127:1
We've forgotten how to teach children and bring them up in the admonition of the LORD via the Ten Commandments and instruction in the Word of God. Thus, our country is floundering. As a child, those commandments were constant reminders to me and other children to obey our parents, show respect to others, and live with a moral compass. Our colleges and universities were founded on the Word of God and the Savior Jesus Christ. Today those same institutions cover symbols of faith and tear them down altogether. They ignore their founders' words and reject the mention of God in any positive light. The same advocates who speak out against bullying and discrimination, bully Christians to be silent and discriminate against them when they use the word of God in a speech or the name of Jesus in a prayer.
I'm not blowing smoke here, friends. This isn't some conservative Christian right-wing blathering. Check out what Noah Webster, Schoolmaster of the Republic said:
"Education is useless without the Bible. The Bible was the textbook in all fields. God's Word, contained in the Bible, has furnished all necessary rules to direct our conduct."~ Noah Webster/ref.link
Webster was certain of the need for children to be educated with Bible in hand. Yes, that's right. In early times, the Bible was actually the textbook used to teach reading. Webster believed "the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...". Can you imagine if a leader in our government were to challenge our Department of Education with that view? Webster further believed, "No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."
~~Noah Webster, Preface Noah Webster Dictionary, 1828
Thus, when today, we do all the building of our country (producing legislations and regulations), and remove all reference to God, we are rejecting the builder-- the "Architect".
We can labor all we want; we labor in vain.
We can push God out of everything from school, to government, to symbols of our faith in the Creator, and every traditional oath ever sworn to if we want. However, when we do, we must also realize we will suffer the consequences of letting our guard down with the evil in this world. We cannot protect ourselves from evil without God. Reject Him and He will turn us over to our own devices and choices.