Some folks wake up running. I'm not one of those. I need to collect my thoughts a bit...have a cup of coffee (even if it is decaffeinated), and reflect on God's plan for my day. If that doesn't occur, my brain freezes and before the sun heads to high noon, it dissolves into slush and I'm ready to fall asleep for want of a spiritual compass.
I'm one of those people who has the uncanny ability to go to sleep at night and dream problem solving ideas. Anyone who has bizarre dreams wherein you find yourself in catastrophic situations, facing long lines, or running in a maze of confusion, you know what I'm talking about. So when you wake up in the morning, instead of being refreshed and restored, you are plum worn out from battling wandering nomads in your mind.
I'm not one to dream about flowering meadows and sparkling streams of tranquility. Nope. I dream things that rival video games and virtual tours with Alice in Wonderland.
when I wake up, I need a bit of time to adjust to reality. If reality slams into my brain before I've washed the sandman's dust from my lids, I'm in trouble. The day rarely runs smoothly. My internal clock runs counter productively and zest for life gets stuck on PAUZZZZ. It may appear to the world that I am awake, but my mind is still sleeping. I'm on a perpetual teaparty with the Mad Hatter and feeling like "I'm late for a very important date". I feel a bit like the Queen of Hearts and when anyone says anything--good or bad, "off with their heads" comes rattling to the forefront of my mind.
I don't like to read the morning paper, hear the morning gloom and doom from KSWO or Fox and Friends. I'm not much interested in Austin Bowling, the weather in Oklahoma or the Good Morning show in New York City with staged storylines to shock and awe us into a new week of political chaos and financial destruction.
So, moral of my story is: I need Jesus. Every morning. I need to sit by the still waters and lie in a green pasture. I need to focus on His new mercies and not my old sins or the sins of others. I need to sup awhile with the LORD and have a bit of breakfast with Him. I need reminders that He is with me all day, every day. I need to drink the Living Water of positives to renew my spirit and transform my mind. Otherwise...
I may as well go back to bed and pretend I'm invincible in a world of make believe. Fantasy is not reality. Reality can only be managed by putting on the whole armor of God and traveling with the Savior by my side. Hope springs eternal with Him. And life clears the way with zest and zeal. Sieze the day my friends. Spread a little sunshine as you go. If you have Jesus, you have the compass needed for whatever comes your way. ~~selahV