It just won't work. You'll come out scathed, scratched, scarred and bloody. Some folks don't need stones. Sometimes all it takes is a word or phrase to fell an opponent. You've heard the old addage: "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."
That is such a load of bunk. Of course words hurt. We aren't made of steel and iron--we have emotions.
A primary catalyst for pulling me out of bed each day is communicating with others. It fuels my life and motivates me to turn on a computer, to pick up a talk. I love chatting, writing, emailing, facebooking, and such. However, there are times when communicating becomes nothing but drudgery. Ever feel like that?
For me, it feels like I'm on an uphill trek wearing shoes made of lead. On these occasions, I do not like chatting, because chatting becomes a task, an exhausting mental trading of words which are not heard...which are dissected and tripped over and kicked out of the way...
like an unwanted stone in the middle of a pathway.
It often occurs when the world has been exploding all around me. I'm heading up some conversational hill and an avalanche of words come rolling down on top of me. I just say, whew...forget about it. I'm going back down. No sense trying to talk or explain when it is such a strain on the brain.
I was talking to a friend about this and I happened to visit her blog and found a post she wrote a few days ago. It was as if she was reading my mind. Appropriately titled: "Leaving Crazyville" (link), Victoria's words of thought are an inspiration for we who find ourselves tired of struggling to be understood by folks who already have all the answers. selahV