do we give up?
No. We all mess up. We are not perfect. We fail at times. We get our priorities all out of whack and wake up and find we need to back track and correct some things. When NASA launched our astronauts into space and pointed them towards the moon, they were not left on their own. There were constant corrections to the flight pattern in order to keep it on course and allow them to reach their destination. Such is our life.
As Believers in Christ, we have a final destination and that destination is to be with God forever. We, too, must make corrections in our lives, in our attitudes, our actions, and habits. When we stumble down and fall down, we need to get up and remember what caused us to trip. We need to repent and move on in the right direction. We need to reset our course from where we were when we first became a Christian. We need to be better mothers, fathers, wives and husbands. We need to be better examples of our faith and truer ambassadors for the One who saved us from our sin.
Is there some word you said yesterday in the heat of a moment? Is there some attitude you fostered, some grievance against someone you have not forgiven? Is there some activity you have allowed to take you away from God's perfect plan and purpose for your life?
“Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first..." ~Revelation 2:5a
Notice it does not say to "remember from where you have fallen" and then wallow in a sea of regret and remorse. It says to repent. Change directions. Turn around. Resist any temptation to remain where you are and continue in that sin of apathy, of disloyalty, of whatever sin you are committing. Instead, do what God intends for you to do. Love Him, love others and love yourself. Live justly, mercifully, and humbly. Do what He's called you to do, then rest in Him and His grace to see you through another day. selahV