Now I Find My Rest In Thee.
"And I said: “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!” Isaiah 6:5
Sometimes when I read this passage, it takes me back to when I first uttered these words. I didn't think I was in the midst of people with unclean lips. I thought of myself as the only one with unclean lips as I sat on the back pew of the little Southern Baptist Church in New England. A few months later, I remember falling on my knees in the dark of night and staring out my bedroom window into the starry night. Again I acknowledged my unclean lips. My sinful ways. My rebellious life against a Holy God.
I could scarce believe this Holy God could sacrifice His only Son to pay the price for all my sin. He loved me that much. He is an awesome, merciful and longsuffering God. I had a hard time comprehending the love He had to have for me, to do such a thing. Even today, I sit and marvel. I think of the sin I let creep into my thoughts which leads me into temptation. And I am sorry. I truly want to say as Isaiah, "Here am I, send me".
Though I a sinner be,
the Lord has set me free
that I would be the one
who shows, by word and deed, His Son. selahV