From the Lord's last supper to the Garden of Gethsemane. From the agony in the Garden to the courts of accusers, liars, and mockers. There He suffered scourging, his flesh ripped from his bones. Weakened by the loss of blood, the lack of sleep, Jesus stood His ground and answered not a word. I AM was in their midst, yet they did not see Him. One last chance, they offered Him up to the crowds who sang Hosanna, Hosanna, just one week before. Crucify Him! Crucify Him! The shouts were loud and clear. And so a thief, a liar, a depraved individual goes free and does not face the fate of crucifixion as was his just reward. Pilate washed his hands as if that washed away his guilt by association.
We are Barrabas. We are. We were let free as the Savior of the world took our place and punishment that day. He took upon His back our burden to be pure and righteous. He took upon His shoulders, the cross that we should bear. When the sky turned dark as night, and the earth began to quake, the temple veil was torn from top to bottom to signify the Hands that ripped it in two pieces. Men gambled for his robe, others mocked His naked body and laughed at His humiliation.
Jesus died. And angel voices cried. So did Mary, mother of the Lord. Mary Magdalene who hung on His every word, now questioned all she knew and fell short of faith that day...but...where was Jesus?
He had some time to kill between crucifixion's hour, and when they'd see His ressurrection power. Mary knew her son was dead. She'd seen the water mixed with blood pouring from Christ's side from the soldier's sword. No longer would she walk with Him and talk with Him, for He was dead and gone. Her heart was like the empty tomb. Only remnants of her precious son remained.
Where exactly did Jesus go? to preach the sermon of Life everlasting to those who'd died before Him with barely a whisper of hope? To give fair warning to satan and his demons? To crush His head beneath His feet? To pay the price for all my sins? I wonder...yet, does it matter in the scheme of things? I know where He is today. He sits at the right hand of the Father and points me out as one covered by His blood. "She's mine", He says. "No longer is she bound by sin, nor even by its power. On Friday I was crucified; on Sunday I arose to life and conquered the grave. Death no longer has a sting, pain and sorrow end." Somehow, I sense a presence as the Lord says to me: I AM preparing a place for you...that where I AM, you may also be. I have overcome the world. I made a bridge to heaven, "that whosoever believeth in Me shall have everlasting life." John 3:16 "Go tell; go tell it on the mountain...go now and tell."