Dinner has been consumed. The dishes are clean and put away. My granddaughters are laughing and squealing as they hide their colored eggs, over and over again outside. Oklahoma skies are filled with grey un-threatening clouds. The sun has taken a vacation day. It's a sleepy afternoon.
Hubby is sitting here reading his new birthday-Kindle Fire... well, not really. He's trying to figure out how to get on Facebook and read my wonderful blogs....hee hee. I think his interest was piqued since he discovered someone deleted one of my, uh-hmmmn, brilliant, yet, not so politically correct comments on a blog a week or so back. Hubs has kinda sat in the shadows of my internet connections and watched me flit from place to place talking about all the people I meet on the world-wide-web.
I think until, a fellow blogger from Fort Worth, Texas stumbled into our church sanctuary today and wanted to see me, my hubby thought all this bloggin' stuff was a figment of my virtual imagination. Now, he sees that people are real, and, that some real men still wear ties and suits on Easter morning!! Hey, hey, hey! I must say I was quite honored to have Ron Phillips, Sr. drop in on our church service to meet me while in town visiting his family. Quite honored. We took a photo for posterity. I hope Ron doesn't get a bad reputation, hangin' out with the likes of me. We talked about a bunch of things, and touched on, my deleted comment. I had to laugh. Much ado about so little. BUT...
Now, hubby wants to know: "So what does it mean if someone deletes your comment?" Guess I'll have to educate him on the finer points of SBC bloggin' and the dangers of talking to just anyone who wants to call you "friend" on facebook. Scary world we live in, ya know?
Anyway, it is Sunday afternoon. Nascar has no races. So what else can hubby and I do but read books and play with our gadgets (we don't want to find colored eggs). I'm having fun watching my Bob trying to figure out how some of this internet stuff works.
He keeps trying to log on to a Facebook account I set up for him a long long time ago. It wouldn't let him get on. One time he can get on the web without problems, the next, they are giving him flack...ha ha. Now, he's just pecking around, trying to find his way around our virtual world. He's been searching for answers (he's not one to give up easily). He keeps getting a message that tells him they've lost him. I'm so glad God never loses sight of him....nor me.
Even though I may follow all the wrong links at times (or get dumped off a few others), God keeps me linked to Him. I may click all the wrong buttons one day, and say stuff He would rather I didn't, I may forget all the rules and throw caution to the wind at times, and find myself disconnected from my internet server. But, God stays connected to me...and I to Him...always. We may forget my husband's password to connect to Facebook, but it doesn't mean we can't connect to our Lord. We'll figure out a way to make a new password for him on Facebook. But we always have our password saved to reach God. His name is Jesus. What a glorious Easter afternoon it is. Amen? selahV