What do you do? How do you get over the fact that they failed to act in a manner you'd expected or even felt proper? How do you reconcile their actions and their decisions to things which affect you and yours in a counterproductive way? How do you settle in and accept that which is totally wrong in your eyes? How do you trust anything in them anymore? How do you move beyond the suspicion and distrust they've planted in your heart?
I'm having a great deal of trouble with this at the moment. By all accounts, there is nothing anyone can do to correct the error of man. It's certainly beyond my control. We're on a fast track to fundamentally change America and everything else in my life.
Not only do I feel betrayed, I feel discouraged and weary. I have no desire to be counted among those who failed to even consider my view, my desires and my opinion. It's as if we are on a fast track to complete annihilation of all that is normal, true, trusted, and certain. Perhaps this would not bother me so much if not for all the other changes I am going through at the moment. Perhaps.
There's really no way to know. All I know is, I feel like a wad of someone else's clay. Not my Maker's mind you. It's okay. I'll get through it. In time. But right now, I am sorely disappointed and have no desire to be connected to those who have no desire to connect with me. I suppose that is where I rest at the moment. I just don't care anymore. I join a friend of mine who had tremendous input into, and control over, the situation of which I speak. He doesn't care either...one way or the other. It just doesn't matter. I think he's tired too.
If things don't really matter one way or the other to us, yet we do things which change things that truly matter to others, what are other folks to do with that?
Continue to change whatever you want to? Do whatever you feel like doing? Ignore everyone around you? Toss gumdrops, beads, and band-aids to the crowds that gather to celebrate the disconnections of life? I don't know about you folks. But...well...
I'm tired of dysfunctional groups. Simply tired. I have all I need in my Savior. He is enough. His grace is complete. My hope is built on nothing less than His unchanging faithfulness. Perhaps it is time to move on. To find another space where folks can sing "Just As I Am" and be loved just as they are. Perhaps. Perhaps the time is drawing nigh. I just don't know. I'm still praying and clinging to "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me". It's all I can do at the moment. selahV