Peter is one of my favorite people. While others take exception with his bold assertions, and call him impulsively arrogant at times, I find his enthusiasm quite refreshing. He doesn't mince words. He lays it on the line. When he's made mistakes, he recognizes his foolishness. He challenges leaders who fail to properly lead. One might get a bit irritated with him at times because of his honest and forthright way of telling it like it is, but what can ya say about someone the Lord handpicked to admonish, exhort, warn, encourage, and build His church upon? He cautions the elder church leaders to:
"Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." 1 Peter 5:2-3
I'm guessing there must have been a time in Peter's ministry wherein he discovered some church leaders "lording it over" the people "entrusted" to them. I think there are some situations in which we also find leadership in high places who've gained notoriety, power, and take a bit more pride in themselves than is due. When questioned, they rebuke the questioner. When challenged, they put challengers in their place--beneath their risers and podiums.
Peter, Peter...what can we do with these leaders who will not listen today? If not for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we'd have no where to turn. If not for your words of exhortation, we might think we were nothing more than hopefuls in a hopeless situation. I'm so glad, though I have not the knowledge of Paul, I believe in the same Savior and depend upon Him and His grace to save me and keep me through all eternity. I'm so glad God included Peter as one of His apostles...a mere fisherman. An average guy. I'm so glad I do not depend upon an elder...a president, a scholar, or even a pastor with five doctorates to open the narrow gate for me. I am so glad my fate is sealed in the glory of the Lamb's blood. I'm so grateful for the cleansing of my sins and the righteousness I have in Him. Are you? selahV
I pray the Lord continues to raise up humble men to lead His flocks. I pray the Lord makes humble the proud and exalts the humble. May each pastor preparing for worship on Sunday have a long talk with the Lord before his twenty minutes behind a podium. May God's Spirit fill each with His wisdom, boldness, and power. Come Holy Spirit, come, move freely in our sanctuaries. Move freely in me.