Wall Street Occupiers are protesting rich people. They want the Billionaires and Millionaires ("Fat Cats" as President Obama calls them), to give them their money. That's in part because Warren Buffet (billionaire), says the rich need to pay more taxes. "Spread the wealth around."
the Billionaires and Wall Street CEO's all move to the Cayman Islands and take their money with them? Then what are the "Occupiers" gonna have to protest? Oh...they can protest more unemployment. Momma use to say, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." Drum-roll please..."dum de dum de DUMB..."
Congressman, Jesse Jackson Jr. to the rescue!!
JJ-Jr. wants President Obama to use his executive powers to declare a national emergency (do an end-run around Congress), and hire all 15 million unemployed at 40-thousand a year.* It will only cost 800 billion of tax-payer money the first year. And somehow these unemployed workers are going to return a profit? What are the jobs these occupiers going to do? well, I imagine they will:
help stand guard at the voting polls next November so the AFL-CIO can intimidate voters.
or maybe they will stand around hugging trees so loggers can't cut down trees.
or they could stand on Texas borders and greet the illegal aliens as they come into the country.
or maybe they could just hand out more AK-47s to the drug-cartels in Mexico.
or they could help send out more checks to Obama's cronies to fund his re-election.
or perhaps they could drive the President's golf cart.
orthey could take turns washing Obama's mult-million dollar campaign bus.
or maybe they could form a human chain around more companies that are hiring illegal foreigners from taking away our poor-people's jobs.
or maybe they could pick up cigarette butts and trash they've left on Wall Street.
or maybe they could make some more solar-panels that won't sell in America.
or maybe they could infiltrate school cafeterias and investigate how much of that nutritional food is being dumped in the trash-cans.
or they could go door to door with bathroom scales and make obese people weigh-in, and then issue citations to anyone 25 pounds over-weight.
Wall Street want 500 Billion dollars (that is one half of one TRILLION dollars, folks) to pay off their student loans. What ever happened to WORKING YOUR WAY through college? OH...YEAH...I forgot, protesters are working. In Los Angeles someone is paying $11.40 an hour to protest.
And they're probably getting unemployment checks ta-boot. Ah, the benefits of being an American. Sometimes you just gotta laugh.
*hubby is thinking about quitting his full-time courier job with a local realtor and applying for Jesse Jackson Jr.'s 40-thousand a year job. HOT DOG!!!