when folks do not speak well of us for doing good. After all, Jesus said the world would hate us if we profess to know Him and then go on to proclaim His name. It doesn't surprise me that folks come under attack from the world when they denounce those who distort the Word of God. Nor am I shocked when a hailstorm of critcism falls upon the head of one who brings to light some dark deed or action of those in high places. It's Biblical. Your sins will find you out. When you sow thistles, thistles come up...even if it is in the middle of a perfectly tilled bed of roses.
However, I am a bit taken aback when others spread unsubstantiated rumors. I tend to get a bit more than irritated when some folks get in a hurry to share negativity just because they can. Just because they know some tantalizing info. For the record? I don't want to know. Sometimes, the best of intentions is still not good enough reason, or cause, to divulge something we know. I've kept more information to myself that could hurt another's feelings if they knew. Why would I want to tell something hurtful to another? Wisdom trumps knowledge. Wisdom discerns when to share and when not to share.
If the truth is not necessary to my well-being, don't share it.
If the truth is helpful, edifying, and cloaked in pure and honest prayer, then okay...tell me. But I don't want to hear the rubbish some folks dig out of another's trash can.
A few months ago, someone shared some things others said about someone near and dear to me and it so colored my opinion of those "others" that I couldn't speak to them anymore. I could no longer trust their greetings to me. I could no longer be in their presence without suspicion. I no longer felt free to talk. In fact, it affected how I shared with everyone. I held back. I had trouble accepting folks at face-value.
Why? Why do people find such pleasure in criticizing others? Why rush to tell bad news and withhold "good news"? Why spread around the negative? I wonder.
If we all would share the good things we hear about others, the edifying, the compliments, the appreciation, would we be better for it? Would another?
Why must bloggers spend the majority of cyberspace nitpicking and opining destructive flaws and failures? Why don't we see more affirming posts that point out the good in another's life, the hope we witness, the faith we see displayed, the goodness and success and achievements? No, we're not to boast of ourselves, but we could dwell on that which is good and share some of that...don't you think? A little bit, once in a while? If we found a bit of sugar sprinkled into the brew of bitterness in life, it shouldn't surprise us, should it? Don't know about you, but it sure pokes my happy button. selahV
ANOTHER DEVOTIONAL: Oh, My Word, Did You Hear Why...