Some folks call it "alone" time or "quiet" time. I call it fellowship. Sometimes I think about my friends in other places. Places far away. I'd love to drop in and have a cup of tea with them. Fellowship.
It boggles my mind to consider how Adam and Eve got to walk with God in the cool of the evening before Eve listened to Satan and chose to disobey God and eat from the one tree in Eden that was off-limits. My absolute favorite time of the day is when my husband comes in from work at around five o'clock. I look forward to that every day. Unless I call him or schedule a lunch with him, I don't see him at all. I know he's out there somewhere. I know I have his love. But I have no clue if he's thinking about me as I'm thinking about him.
Not so with God.
God always has me on His mind. Even with all the people calling on Him, petitioning, crying out, questioning, asking for guidance and protection-- God knows my every thought. He knows where I am, what I'm doing, where I'll be twenty minutes from now and who I will be talking with. I find that absolutely amazing.
The most amazing thing to me, is that I do not have to wait all day for God to come down in the cool of the evening. I do not have to wait till the day is done, the work is over, and the sun sets over the horizon. No; I get Him all the time. He doesn't hide behind a newspaper, turn on the television, or hurry outside to mow the lawn or wash the car. God is with me every single second of the day. We fellowship all day. I don't sit in a chair and set my timer, get frustrated when the phone rings, or annoyed that someone interrupts my "alone" time with my Father in Heaven. Nope.
We talk with each other about everything, all day long. I tell Him how happy I was that He gave me a good night's rest. I thank Him for another day of living. I praise Him the second I see His rainbow, and glory in every cumulus cloud. I complain about the weather (He's heard it all). I tell Him about all the folks who have problems--who need His intervention. I am certain He hears me. He speaks to me in scripture I've memorized and categorized in my mind.
Whenever I'm uncertain, "trust in the Lord with all your heart" comes to mind. When I don't understand, "Lean not to your own understanding", comes to mind. Whenever I am frightened, "Fear not for I am with you," comes to mind. Whenever I am anxious, "Consider the lilies," comes to mind. Whenever I'm angry, "Forgive them comes to mind". Whenever I fail, "His mercies are new every morning", comes to mind. I could go on an on and on. Instead, I think I'll sing the Lord a song. It's the least I can do for the sufficiency of His grace and the fellowship of His presence each moment of the day. Why don't you join me?
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You always know, Lord, how much I need You. And You change my night to day. selahV for Today