For what will we contend this week?
There's always something. A sun never rises but what we struggle against something to gain advantage, reveal some truth, battle an adversary.
In Oklahoma, we contend with exceptional drought and three-digit temperatures that have broken records for the longest running heat above 100 in decades upon decades. Odd that to contend with heat, we seek those things which cool us down. Air-conditioned buildings, and transportation. I saw on the news this weekend, how some folks had to travel in a hot bus without air for several hours and it caused all kinds of heat exhaustion.
CONTEND: 1. To strive in opposition or against difficulties; struggle: armies contending for control of strategic territory; had to contend with long lines at the airport. 2. To compete, as in a race; vie. 3. To strive in controversy or debate; dispute.
It's one thing to contend for a worthy goal, and quite another to contend for contention's sake.
Christians contend every day. Our adversary is the flesh. Our adversary is Satan. Our adversary is lies. We contend for truth. Sadly, at times, Christians contend against one another. We compete for louder microphones, higher pedestals, wider platforms to debate. These debates and controversy quickly and smoothly turn to contentions...a contentious argumentative attitude.
Contentions are works of the flesh, born of pride, nurtured in ego, carried in self-satisfaction and self-aggrandizing...and giving birth to full-fledge sin.
May we seek to remember the warnings of God's Word this week. Practice love. Be filled with the Spirit. Let our light shine. Be the salt of the earth. Be vigilant. Put on the whole armor of God. Pray unceasingly. Be quick to hear--really hear--a brother or sister, be slow to anger--and when angry--sin not. Examine me, Oh Lord, see if there be any wicked way in me--an unholy thought, a snipey attitude, a sarcastic phrase, an egocentric motive. Fill me with wisdom, discernment, kindness and love. Let me be bold to contend for that which You have led me to contend.
Let me be as wise as Oklahomans this week and seek to "cool off" as I contend in heated environments. Let me find ways to extinguish the flames of discontent. To quench the fiery arrows of evil. May I rest in Thee. Let me drink of Your Spirit and the refreshing Living Water of Christ. And let my words be ones that bring glory to your name. Let my thoughts be those born of the Spirit and not of the flesh. Let my words be a balm of healing, encouragement and understanding. selahV for Today by hariette petersen
"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel." Philippians 1:27