Sometimes when bloggers are jealous of other bloggers they take swipes at them any chance they get. The snarkiness and snotty remarks made by one who considers himself/herself a mature adult, quickly reveals an immature heart with utmost clarity.
It is one thing to offer literary critique of a particular subject matter, or another's writing, or publicly spoken words to hold them accountable for their words. It's another to have someone denegrate another and snipe for absolutely no other conceivable reason than adolescent jealousy. Childish stone throwing and baseless rhetoric has no place in Christian community of bloggers.
"The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him." Matthew 12:35
The more I see the snitty little ditties come forth from bloggers, the more I wonder what the Christian community of voices has to offer a dark and dying world. May God have mercy upon us if this is the best we can produce. selahV for Today