We each have them. Comfort zones. We have a space in which we find it comfortable to talk, to chat, to give our opinions. We have topics we choose to avoid. We have bloggers we avoid or ignore. We are not comfortable with ourselves when we try to converse with others. We don't trust ourselves. We don't trust the other blogger.
Comfort comes when we trust our situation, our circumstance, our fellow bloggers. When we feel we will be attacked for absolutely no reason, we do not comment. When we feel a mere question can cause an avalanche of speculation and assumptions and motive interpretations, we don't ask. We simply do not trust people.
It's sad that we cannot trust other Christians, isn't it? I have no problem with secular blogs and I recognize that should I decide to comment and give an opinion (which I rarely do), that there will be explosive attitudes, snarky statements, and snide remarks. It comes with being a follower of Christ. However, when I visit sites and see this kind of comment stream between Christians, I avoid it like the plague. It gives no honor or glory to God to demean another with tit-for-tat comebacks. Rudeness is not love, because love is not rude. Love is patient. Love is kind. Christian love is considerate. It does not keep an account of wrongs...nor does it nit-pick others to pieces.
The more uncomfortable I find myself with a group of blogging voices, the more I avoid that community of bloggers. I dare say, there are many bloggers just like me. They have no desire to voice their thoughts when derogatory attacks are commonplace in a particular blog or collaborative blog.
I notice the more I read disturbing prattle, the more comfort food I eat. That only adds more weight to an even weightier matter--my waist. Why would I want to waste time fueling my desire to sabotage the temple of the Holy Spirit? Why would I want to violate my mind in such a way? It is beyond my comfort zone. Why would I want to try and add reason to the unreasonable?
It leaves a vacumn of reality in the blogging world when a group focuses on the "atta boy" and pat-on-the-back, and fist-bumps they give and receive from one another on a particular topic. There are some, and I dare say many, who would totally disagree with a particular topic but bloggers like me stay clear of the streams because the tone is totally untrustworthy. Therefore bloggers settle into a false comfort zone of ego-boosting. They think they've found a safe-zone of wisdom and introspection. When other bloggers refuse to enter those self-made zones to challenge their thoughts, they live in oblivious belief that they are right and everyone believes like they do.
Scary. For it is written: "Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!" Isaiah 5:21
"Woe" means a consequence is coming. "Woe" is a warning of condemnation to come. "Woe" is not a good thing to look forward to--no matter how educated we get, or how many people agree with us. In the end...the majority has no voice--only God's voice counts. selahV for Today