My grandson loves to post his adventures in death quests. Some are not nearly as bad as others. Last night he posted one of he and a buddy jumping off (what I thought was) a country bridge. I admonished him and asked if he was crazy. I gasped and showed the photo to my husband...he didn't even flinch.
Men!!! They are as bad as boys. When a man sees a boy do a silly, foolish act, they think back on their childhood and wish they'd thought of that when they were boys. That's because they've never been a mom. We're the ones who carried that squirming, kicking, bundle of energy within our wombs and suffered pain no man could endure to bring them into this world. Women. We did it. And then they show us their appreciation for our pain, discomfort, and sacrifice by challenging life with every breath. It's like they are just as eager to leave this world as they were impatient to enter it.
Jordy does backflips off everything. Stacks of mattresses, tires, boats. To my knowledge, he still has not flipped his bike. He has crashed his motorcycle and broken both ankles and had multiple concussions. But he just keeps on flipping. Scares me speechless.
His latest escapade has me wondering if perhaps those concussions knocked something loose that destroyed his ability to make rational decisions. When I saw tonite's photo on brain cramped. You make the call. He and his friend were jumping off a railroad trestle into the water. Jordy is jumping as his buddy stands on the edge of the trestle. The headlights of the oncoming train...well, you can see. (Sorry I can't enlarge it for you. It loses focus any bigger than this.) It looks like there's a crowd of kids gathered getting ready to walk the trestle and follow the leaders. Along with the picture, Jordy wrote on his status: "Me and Dustin H...getting away from the train; well I did. R.I.P Dustin lol" To which Dustin commented: "I'm in heaven now."
Boys will be boys? Or boys will be insane?
Folks, when I saw tonite's photo, my heart stopped beating. My stomach dropped to my toes. And I still feel like upchucking the watermelon I ate for an evening snack. Last night's photo was jaw-dropping. I sighed deeply as I shared it with my husband and shook my head and commented. Tonite, I'm thinking about having the boy committed.
<= Here he's about to jump this jump and land 30 to 40 feet away (I may be underestimating here). However, I have one thing to say about it:
I'm glad he's sold his bike today.
"Be not overly wicked, neither be a fool. Why should you die before your time?" Ecclesiastes 7:17
Seriously....Jordy and friends are not wicked-- just fun-loving daredevils. But foolishness can bring about an early demise. And that scares me about as much as going to my Facebook account these days. I once asked Jordy why he does such stunts..."It's fun."
"But don't you ever think about dying?"
"I figure I'll be in heaven and what could be better than that?"
Boys! Incorrigible! What's a grama to do? selahV