I sometimes do what I'm doing now. I open my laptop and start writing. Scary when the house is dark and that bright light slaps me in the head. I need night vision glasses. This is absolutely blinding. I think I'll close my eyes and type. Ah, much better.
Anyway, tonight when I awoke I wondered if the Lord wanted a word with me, as He so often does in the middle of the night. So I waited. And within a milisecond, He brought my facebook friend, fellow blogger, and sister-in-Christ to mind. It's easy to know why she entered my thoughts. Recently she miscarried her first child. Emily use to write for Devotional Christian. Please join me in lifting her up in prayer. It's a hard thing to lose a baby. Especially the first. One wonders if you'll ever have a child. I know. My little Paul only breathed 23 hours of air (and that was very labored), before he went to heaven. WeeOne only lived about 3 months in my womb before she moved on to be with God. It makes getting pregnant again very scary...fear you'll lose another baby. It makes being hopeful something elusive. It's something you are hesitant to even usher out of your heart.
anyway...will you pray with me now for Emily?
May God in His tender mercy fill her with peace overflowing today. May she feel the spark of joy kindle again in her heart. May the Lord give her and her husband comfort this very hour. May their trust be renewed...trust that He will never abandon them, and trust in His all-knowing plan for the life he started in her and took back home much sooner than Emily had wanted. May the moments she finds herself questioning her loss, and wondering why. Please, Lord; turn her wonder into marveling. Let her know she will one day hold her Amos in her arms for an eternity. Until then remind her of those who've gone before her who are most likely holding Amos now. And Lord, please send my son over to hold Amos awhile. He so loved little babies.
May we all remember to pray for Emily when we waken in the night and think of her. May we each use our time wisely when wakened. I most assuredly believe when I cannot sleep, it has a lot less to do with me writing and a lot more to do with me listening. God wants to talk to me. This time He wanted me to pray for Emily. And He wanted me to ask you to pray, too. God bless you all, and especially Emily. selahV