That's right! Word is out that "The Donald" plans to stand on the steps of Barack Hussein Obama's birthplace to announce his candidacy for 2012. Supposedly his announcement will coincide with a groundbreaking ceremony to restore the homeplace.
The Donald foresees a fantastic tourist attraction, complete with condos encircling the vacation paradise. He is certain it will be a huge return on his investment as he places on display the original "birth certificate" purchased in a private auction bid against the Smithsonian Museum for 8.5 million dollars.
"The Donald" further plans to give all proceeds from the attraction to finance his lakefront condos for all who are displaced due to the massive restoration project. Nestled beneath a giant cypress tree, the one-room Kenyan hut was crane-lifted to the second floor of the newly built museum which will house the well-guarded and much debated birth certificate.
Well, shucks, I should have known you'd know it's just