Pictured on the left is a dear and nutty friend of mine who wore this mask to a Fall Festival a couple of years ago. Austin is a staunch conservative, and of course, you know what Obama is. While Obama seems to be wrestling with who he is these days, my friend has no problem with his identity. So what about me?
Who am I? Hariette Petersen or selahV? Some folks endearingly call me Mrs. V, while others just write "V". Folks google me with selahV, selahV today, and hariette petersen. When you google my name, all kinds of things pop up. Some weird dude stole my moniker early on and even used it to set up a twitter account. He is "selah Victor", but I've learned to live with it. I took great pains in deciding upon a "moniker" (or name) for my blog. I thought you were suppose to have a pseudonym to blog, not use your real name. I started out with What Matters* and Ended up with SelahV Today. Today what matters is that selahV is just a blogger named Hariette Petersen who writes on multiple blogs. Ha! Tell that to Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Yahoo, AOL, Blogger, etcetera, etcetera.
When I was trying to set up a blog to begin my writing ministry, I had all kinds of problems. It took me so long to learn the lingo of blogging. I didn't know>>>more>
But you know how God is.
When He wants you to do something, He doesn't let go of you. He keeps giving you encouragement through others. He gives you folks who can teach you things you are able to do. Then as you learn, you get braver and more knowledgeable, and before long, you're doing things without even realizing you've accomplished something. I had a friend who got me started but told me to just wade into the streams and stick a pole in. So I did. Most folks ignored me--didn't like the bait on my hook, I guess. But before long, I found a few kind souls who began reading my writing.
One lady who began commenting on my blog seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. In time we developed a great friendship; now we correspond daily via email. She rarely reads my writing anymore (ancient computer doesn't like websites)...but she can't wait for a copy of my book.
Through the years, I encouraged others to start blogs and begin writing for the glory of God. From SelahV Today I branched out into writing for other websites such as Devotional Christian. I enjoy reading and writing inspirational first-person accounts of everything from how to care for a red-eared slider to teaching children to have faith in God. I love writing about how I see God in day to day situations...from making beads, to baking cookies. From running out of gas, to coming face to face with a Chevy Malibu airbag.
I've noticed a lot of the bloggers I met in my early days are gone now. Some, it's a good thing. Others, well, I'm sad that the only way I can find them is on Facebook. They give you a bite-sized chewey and leave you craving giant size bars. Is blog-writing gonna croak and be swallowed up in group-think webs? I wonder.
This blog has sorta gone wacko and I want to bring it back to where I was when journaling about how God speaks to me and teaches me and shows me all kinds of stuff every day. I think at times I can get caught up in verbosity (too wordy). I feel the weight of my words and have decided it's time to let my gray hair down a bit more. So...what ya see today, you get tomorrow. Maybe. Just never know about me. I'm a work in progress. Having an identity crisis does that to you. How about you? Are you still writing the same blog? Have you changed multiple times? Have you had success with writing a blog? Share some pointers. selahV
* now defunct