I slept peacefully dreaming of brilliantly colored birds. Tiny little birds the size of bumble bees flew into my house and perched upon my fingertips. One bird resembled a cluster of purple, pink, and yellow bubbles. I went outside and was mesmerized by black swirling clouds that rained down dinner-plate sized cherry blossoms that spiraled round and round with delicate beauty. I reached out to touch them and they melted at the touch of my hand. Joy and goodness and comfort and peace enveloped my heart. Wonder filled my mind. THEN=>>>...
And yes, I am reminded of the warnings our Lord gave us to consider as the beginning birth pangs of His return--where chaos will reign and turmoil will run rampant. However, the passage that comes to mind far more is a boat on the Sea of Galilee being rocked by overwhelming waves. The disciples feared for their lives as their Master slept in peaceful rest. This restful picture swells far greater than heart-pounding waves of warning as I meditate upon the Master's words to the roaring winds: "Peace, be still."
Our world brings us devastation. Our earth often quakes in ways we cannot imagine. Death looms and we must ask ourselves, are we at peace with God? Do we know the Shelter of His arms raised against engulfing waves of destruction? Are we anchored to the Rock of Ages? As chaos threatens and multiple problems pound the shores of my own life right now, I hear the voice of Jesus, "Fear not, for I am with thee, even to the ends of the earth." I pray you hear Him, too. selahV