~~and was barely even noticed.
~~it bowed its head in gratitude, so honored to be a guest.
~~it felt full before its first bite from the blessing of being a part of another's hospitality and grace.
~~it listened with interest to each dinner guest, and never once called attention to itself.
Humility. It does not exalt itself. It does not boast. It waits for others to be served before serving itself. It is satisfied with any portion of the roasted lamb. It never feels slighted or unappreciated. It doesn't put itself above another, nor does it find pleasure in another's embarassment, or abasement. The cloak of affirmation feels like another's coat. Though humility accepts the garment, it never seems to fit.
Lord, keep us ever mindful of our inadequacy without You. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. We rejoice in the favor You give us, a favor so undeserved. selahV