In the world we have havoc. In Christ we live in harmony with God and in hope of eternal peace. Our peace is not in this world. For the world is ruled by the prince of darkness. He creates havoc in the lives of every Christian. His aim is to destroy your peace, to rob you of joy, to impede your progress, your every effort, your every goal.
"Why can't we live the dedicated, sold-out, life of Christ?" the Sunday School teacher asked. The circle of people looked at one another. Some looked down. Others shrugged their shoulders. Two offered, "Because we are human."
"Is that not just an excuse?"
Perhaps it is an excuse. Perhaps it is truth. We are human. We cannot possibly live the life of Christ in our own strength. Our dedication needs to be to Him. We feed our bodies with breakfast, lunch and dinner--a few snacks in between. We feed our minds with the morning news--the evening news---the late-night news. In between we snack on thrillers, mysteries, comedy, sit-com and reality shows. We drink blog-surf instead of Living Water. Where is the nourishment for our minds? Stop. Turn off the television, the radio, the computer screen. Listen to the stillness. Listen for the still small voice of God. Open His word and purge the world from your mind. Put on the helmet of savation and keep your mind protected from the fiery darts of satan's accusations, lies, and assaults.
You are a saint. You are separated from this world of darkness. You are light. You are salt. You add flavor to this world. You are not tasteless--nor are you putrid spew. You are righteous in Christ--not living unto unrighteousness. You are a child of the Most High God. You have favor among men. Live like a child of the King. Lift your head and walk tall. Do not slump, nor stagger. Lift your eyes unto the hills from whence cometh your help. Do not cast your eyes down into the dirt. Look up. Let the sun shine upon your face--let the shadows fall behind you. Cast your cares upon the Lord, for He cares for you. Take His yoke upon you and let Him bear the weight. God is good--in you He perfects goodness and blessing and righteousness--for His name's sake. God's Spirit dwells within you. He makes intercession with your every prayer. Pray for every person you see and let the Spirit of God lead you to spur others on to good works.
Havoc is chaos cloaked in opportunity. God's opportunity to show you how great He is. Embrace His strength, His power, His wisdom. Let harmony and peace flood your being. For you know He is God. And He has favor upon you. selahV
"Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour." Proverbs 14:9