~~invites itself to dinner into the hearts of man and eats him alive from the inside out.
~~puts on its Sunday-best and pretends to be what it is not.
~~swallows deceit and coats a tongue with platitudes of grace, then speaks words of pretense and ill-will among the brethren.
~~sips on the cup of betrayal and waits an opportune time to use its lips to kiss the cheek of its host.
~~dines on the truth of others and twists it to say something never meant to be said.
~~wades in streams where truth flows and muddies up the water with oil-slick feet.
~~is coated in toxins of hidden agendas and finely veiled hypocrisy.
Guile filled the hearts of those who sought to destroy Jesus. Guile used compliments and position to get close to Him to ask Him questions and try and trap Him. Guile seeks nothing from another but that which it can use to destroy or create havoc. Guile is the core of satan's blackened heart. He used his guile in the Garden of Eden. He used his guile when he tried to tempt Jesus. He uses his guile with us. A person filled with guile cannot ever be trusted. He is a Judas who pretends to befriend, then plots with others to destroy.
Some people pretend to be righteous and are not. They point out the flaws of other men and, like the Pharisees, are proud that they are not like the one caught in sin. Though men may be deceived by guile, it will not survive, the Lord will bring it unto judgment at the Bema.
Oh, Lord Most High, give us eyes to see if there be any deceit within us. Let us be ever-humble before You and seek only the good and best for others. Let us use the truth we know to show Your steadfast love and beware of those who come to us in sheep's clothing with unseemly purposes. selahV