...just who is reading your blog? I have. It's weird I suppose. But if you are like me, and do not have a lot of commenters, but have a fair amount of daily hits on your blog, then you do tend to wonder exactly who is reading your blatherings. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've written a post and someone will email me and ask if I've been sitting in their bedroom closet or under their dining room table. It's funny. To me, anyway. How can one write common everyday stuff and it seem to touch upon another's particular situation? penetrate another's heart? soothe another's soul? lift another's spirit? or pinch another's nerve?
Lately I've had a few readers who click on because they follow me on Face-book. A few others follow me on Twitter. Still others I have known since the beginning of my blogging madness. Of course I have some folks that pop in because I am linked to all kinds of other folks and then some come via google-search on particular topics. But I find it interesting when a specific reader's website link shows up in my stats page. Truly makes me wonder what in the world I write that has attracted them to my little mud-hole.
Personally, I don't make a whole lot of whoop-de-doo over the stats. I write because I have some nutty thing pop into my mind and often just wanna slop it on the monitor before my eyes. I can't begin to count how many drafts I have that I've not published. Every now and then I will go through the drafts, find something worth editing and polishing, then bingo! A post is born. I just write to write. It's fun. It's me. You see, I know my weaknesses. And in the real world beyond this computer screen, I like to talk alot. And a lot of folks do not like to listen. So, this is a great outlet for me. Why? Because I can talk all I want and folks are totally free to choose whether they want to pay any attention to me or not. They don't have to read my blatherings. They don't have to heed my warnings. They don't have to respond to a thing I say. They don't even have to acknowledge me in any way shape or form. And I get to babble on and on till my little ol' heart is content, or my mind is emptied of all the stuff clogging up my brain. However, sometimes I do wonder who is reading me when I have so many page-views by websites from all over the world.
I wonder what attracts you.
I don't get into politics all that much (except when I feel absolutely passionate about something, and I have another blog in which I rant and rave those thoughts). I rarely debate issues like so many bloggers I know. I generally don't write about any one particular person, unless I'm ticked off at the POTUS, or some lame-brain congress member. I'm not into investigative tale-bearing or research-oriented rhetoricals. My posts are mostly devotional in nature. Personal reflections on a subject--a truth, a principle, a scripture passage, a slice of life, my adorable grandchildren--or even raccoons in the attic. I just write stuff. Plain old whatever is in my mind stuff. And sometimes I even bore myself when I proof my posts. I will probably feel that way about this post someday when, and if, I read it: Why in the world did I publish this? just musing out loud, as usual. How about you; do you ever wonder? selahV