And at this very moment, He is perfecting all things for good. He will not forget that I am His workmanship. He does not forget that I need Him every moment. He does not ignore the actions of those who mistreat me. He has a purpose to fulfill in me and with me. I am His child. I can trust Him when others are untrustworthy. I trust Him when others seek to do me harm. I trust Him when life seems an unending trial of heartache, trouble and difficulty. What seems impossible, is held in the palm of my Father's hand. My name is written in His palm. He knows everything about me--my thoughts as well as my going out and coming in. He sees it all and knows the schemes of man who seek to harm me and mine. He will not forsake me.
"The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands." Psalm 138:8
Oh, Lord my God. Most High in all the earth and beyond, perfect that which troubles the hearts of those on my mind at this moment. Assure them of Your steadfast love, mercy and constant watchcare. selahV