So, I found a new "friend" today on Facebook. Actually, I think she found me since I confirmed her first. It amazes me the sparks that touch my heart in places I did not know needed kindling. But there it was. "Re-distribution of wealth" taking away and giving to whomever the government wants without me having any say in the matter. I'm poor by standards of most guidelines in America--yet, bathing in luxury by standards in Africa and India. However, what little I do have, I think should be mine to give--not the government's.
I read her words and gnawed on them a bit. Hey! She thinks like me. Then the question popped out at me again. "Why should I work hard to gain something if...?" Being one to answer rhetorical questions, I responded:
"Often I think the same way. Then I think about it again and it seems, to me, we need to work hard because we are to glorify God in all we do. I hate that our government now has more power to force us to give them more of what little we have to share with others in Christ's name. But in the will not be the government we have to answer to, it will be our Lord. We cannot grow weary in well-doing, and what we do must all be to the Lord without concern for those power-hungry, self-empowering legislators. The people in power now hope we will all get discouraged and join the ranks of defeated. As Christians we have a Victor within us Who has already won the war. We cannot help but continue the race before us. And give as much as we are able to those along our course."
After my lofty flight to the clouds, I realized I'd just entered a brand new friend's domain and said more than I probably should have. Although my heart felt every word of what I'd written, I realized I was speaking more to me than to the lady I did not know from "Eve". She may not have appreciated the spiritual "wealth" the Lord had just given me to re-distribute to her. I just hate it when I do things like that. I walk away wondering...Why should I _________? You fill in the blank, okay? selahV, hariette petersen