Everyone has a reason for reading what they read.
Bloggers usually have a reason for writing what they write when publishing a blog. From political bile to ministry of broken-hearted. Freedom of speech opens the door to nearly everything--including slander, misrepresentation, gossip--even vindictive hatred. All is permissible. That is the world.
Is that liberty in Christ?
As Christians we are called to a higher righteousness than the world. {Matthew 5:20). Our blogging space might be considered an extension of our life in Christ, where folks who need comfort or encouragement could find posts that edify, inform and produce a measure of the Spirit of God in words, style, and tone. Writing is a medium where communication is restricted; one cannot see into another's eyes, reach across the table and pat a hand, elbow someone in jest. We have no vision into the soul's intent. All we have is letters, words, and sentences--as well as a blogger's history--to determine what one is trying to communicate. Occasionally we have podcasts or videos that lend a bit more voice to the heart of man. Nevertheless, we are living in a world where people are rarely held accountable for the vitriol they spew. Even Christians. There are no blog police. Yet, some blog posts are dispensible--useless garbage. Why do some find pleasure in their odor of death? Why do some folks feed on their decay? I do not know.
As Christians "...our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." {Ephesians 6:12) Indeed, the demons from hell, and Satan, himself. We also battle professing Christians who are so filled with hatred and bitterness, that they trash the children of God to destroy them. They malign character. They manipulate. They strategize, collaborate and form covies with evil. Why? To place themselves higher on a pedastal of public opinion? To destroy a reputation? To destroy a family? If not, the results are the same. Some people are not satisfied until a particular person they seek to malign is removed from office, loses a ministry, or their guts are strewn on the ground. They never stop to consider innocent children, precious wives or husbands--the collateral damage. As far as I am concerned these kind of bloggers with their posts do nothing but puke upon the feet of Jesus. And someday, my friends, the dog shall return to its own vomit, and the cleansed sow to her mire. {2 Peter 2:18-22)
How do we know when a blog crosses the line of informing to inciting violence and hatred?
If it smells like death, it is death. If it smells like life and love, and peace, and goodness, and kindness, and joy, and humility, it is Life. If it does not produce love in you for a fellow Christian--it is death. If it does not stir you unto righteous, honorable, and holy attitudes, it is death. If it stirs you to more of the same writing to spread a tale of darkness, it is death. If it does not draw you closer to the Living Lord through a need to intercede and pray for others--it is death. If all you do is write more and pray less, then it is death. If it is not something you'd want to share in Sunday School to edify, and build up the body--it is death. And, it leads others to death, not salvation nor good works.
As Christians do we have a responsibility to the body of Christ to let another know when the line has been crossed? I suppose it depends on the blog and the blog owner, doesn't it? Some bloggers are blind to their sin. Humor at the expense of another's character is funny. Puns, smears and unbridled bluntness is cute. Brutality cloaked in a smiley-face is not irenic grace, nor honesty. Spiteful rhetoric reconciles no one to anything--it divides--it destroys. These bloggers seek only to gain notoriety and will use any means to accomplish such. Such is the death of man. It links itself to whomever it can to spread more death. What can we do? What can I do?
I can do little in the scheme of things. I have no reputation. I have no platform from which to complain. I only have this little blogsite. But I will fill my Lord's bottles with tears, and His vials with prayer for the saints. {Rev.5:8) I will pray for my adversaries that the Lord pours upon them the coals of fire to purify their minds and mouths. {Isaiah 6:6-8) I will dedicate my writing to bring a sweet fragrance of Christ unto God. I will yield any vengeance within the corners of my mind, or walls of my heart, to God and pray He purges me from all unrighteousness. I will weep, because I can do no less than my Savior did for me on His way to Jerusalem. Will you join me? selahV