Life is so unpredictable. You never know quite what's going to come popping out of the gate throughout a day: a broken furnace, road construction, a jury summons in the mail...
OR...grandkids at your door!
Yesterday, I had a day of leisure. Lunch with my friend, Barb. Back home by four. Babysitting Haylee and Kinsey (if one could actually call it that), at six o'clock, so their parents and brother could go to church visitation. I thought about taking the girls to the mall to climb on the giant drum and play tag with the other children. But most evenings they're wound down from their own day, and find quiet pleasure in working puzzles or coloring pictures. They aren't all that excited about getting dressed up. They'd rather lounge in their jammies and sit on Grampa's lap. Grampa works all day and loves to kick back at home after work...
...Unless the girls come over. Baby sitting is kinda like recess for him.
Then his joy is tickling, teasing and playing hide'n'seek. After a couple of quick rounds of hiding, they usually snuggle with him in his recliner and watch Scooby Doo at 7:30. He's found a new treat of playing solitaire with Haylee on the tiny computer on-loan from our other granddaughter, Brooklyn. I am thinking he's really a kid-in-disguise, and all the grand-girls have his number. Babysitting is kinda like recess for him. Little did I know that tonight Kinsey would rather climb on Grampa's shoulders than cuddle. And rather than watch cartoons, she sang "Pants on the Ground" to Grampa using an expandable noisemaker as her microphone. Her abundance of energy still bubbled when her mom returned to take her home. Mom was really readyto go home. Turned out it wasn't her "night" for visitation. She stayed anyway and made phone calls to absent Sunday School members as her hubby addressed postcards. Kinsey's desire to use Grampa as her personal slide, and Haylee's desire to finish watching Scooby Doo, collided with their mom's readiness for home sweet home.
Mom wanted to stoke up the fire in the fireplace, finish a few chores before bedtime, and simply regroup. Her brain was drained. So was mine--I knew I wouldn't be reading that book I'd planned to review. We kinda went over some things to do for tomorrow (which is now, today) because the insurance adjuster planned to ring my doorbell at 8 a.m. to inspect the damage our giant Mulberry tree left on our roof and my neighbor's during the ice-storm. That meant I needed my day-face on before I was use to, (which also meant I'd need to prop open my eyelids with toothpicks).
Nope. Never know what a day will hold.
Sometimes life brings damage, other times repair. Sometimes we find detours, other times direct paths. Sometimes we're thrown a curve ball, other times a slider. Whatever life gives us each day, it is a blessing from the Lord. He has made it. He has ordained it. He has purposed it for good to bring about His glory. We are fortunate to be a part of what our Lord allows, be it Scooby Doo or jury duty or household chores. Yeah! "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" Whether storms threaten, or strife crouches at the door. Whether lions sleep or lions roar.
Today is like no other I've ever had before. Nor you. Let's pledge to walk with boldness into its light, to greet others with kindness no matter what comes around the corner. If we seize the day with expectation, and wait upon the Lord, we may just find He'll pick us up and place us squarely on Eagle's wings to fly above the battles in the heavens, and storms of snow and ice on earth. God bless you abundantly today as you find His grace sufficient to meet each need. selahV