Thanksgiving at my daughter's house was beyond wonderful. All she let me do was peel a few potatoes and carve the turkey. She did everything else. Stuffed the big bird, rolled out all the pie crusts and baked all the goodies. My granddaughter, Bethany, made stuffed eggs and homemade clover-leaf yeast rolls. Then we ate. And ate. And ate. After a day of photo-shoots, football games, family video-viewing, and several hands of Rook, my granddaughter packed up her two little boys, and she and her hubby headed back to Mississippi. We're hoping they'll be back for Christmas.
This week is filled with various plans for celebrating the Christmas season. Gingerbread House Competition. (We never win, but it is so much sticky gooey fun.) I bought candy canes, and peanut butter cookies to brace the walls made of graham crackers. I need to go get the colorful little sugar-coated chocolates to use as lights on the roof. I have a plan this year for our Gingerbread House. I plan to try and build it to withstand the weight of candy decorations. Hopefully my plan will succeed. I've told my 18-year-old grandson that I think he should join my construction crew this year. Don't know if his mom and dad will allow him to defect, but I'm gonna try. Will let ya know how that goes. ho ho ho.
I have one open-house party to attend with my hubby. And I need to decorate my daughter's house before Saturday night. She's having her Sunday School department over for a party. I won't go overboard with decorating. At least I'll try not to go overboard. Never know what will happen with me when I get in the spirit.