Well; sometimes. Then sometimes when you offer a good word, another shoots it down. It's as if life is filled with nothing but the negative--what is wrong with everything. It's not that they mean to be grumpy or cynical; they've just soured on life. What do you do with a person like this? The Bible gives a hint:
"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but an encouraging word makes it glad." Proverbs 12:25
When anxiety invades the heart with worry, frustration or aggravation, where is the room for joy, hope and expectation? It cowers in the corners. When a person cradles irritation and harbors resentment, he finds it nearly impossible to say anything positive or encouraging to others. Most people see in this verse, that "an encouraging word" is for another's heart...not for the encourager. I see it the other way. It's a mixed blessing. The person who encourages, speaks well of others, and looks for the positive, cannot help but have the same returned to himself. I believe that is God-delivered. "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Given or received--encouragement fills a heart with gladness which floods the face with cheer. And that cheer is contagious. What a wonderful reward for encouraging another, wouldn't you say?
Is something bothering you today? Do you see the world as a lost cause? The position you are in, your company or ministry losing more ground than gaining it? Look for something positive you can offer in place of the negative aspect. Take one step toward eliminating someone's stress. Lend a hand to another and build them up. Take a few minutes and sit down and pray for them that they will see a solution, or an idea to implement.
O, El Elyon, our Most High God. Fill our hearts with joy and shield them from the desire to be weighted with the cares of this world. Keep our minds stayed on Thee. Keep us ever mindful that You are in control--that You will move where we cannot. Fill our hearts with hope--Yours, O God. SelahV
[copyrighted, selahV today, hariette petersen, 2009]