Secretary Tim Geithner and President Obama are considering taking over companies that are a "systemic risk". In other words, they'll come in and take control of companies when they think they are a threat to hurting the financial system in America. This is all about capitalism (or socialism), and economics and money issues. Uh, I've got a dumb question:
Who's going to come in and take over our government when its pathetic mishandling of taxpayers' money, budgets, defense, foreign relations, moral issues, and the constitution slides into the red zone of disaster? Who's gonna say, "NO MORE! Enough is enough"?
When I consider the healthcare reform and what they already seem to think is a risk to the system--namely elderly folks and the drain they are on society--I wonder. I wonder when someone is going to come into my life and say, "Sorry, no more tests. No more surgeries. No more assistance. No healthcare benefits for you; you're over the age limit. And make no mistake, that's in the works. They already say that Medicare needs a complete overhaul. And any person over 65, even if they continue working at their little job because it's simply not possible for them to retire on Social Security, they no longer qualify for earned-income credits. I truly believe I'm one of those "systemic risks".
Don't you laugh, now. Think about all the babyboomers and what folks are saying about us reaching the age where we begin drawing on the Social Security system we've paid into for probably, at least, 45 years. They keep pushing the age up for full benefits. They're talking about reforming Social Security so we don't collect as much.
And when will the government decide that children with castastrophic diseases are a "systemic risk" to the healthcare system? And when will the government decide that religious organizations are a "systemic risk" to solidify their immoral socialistic policies? And when will the government decide that Christian education and private schooling is a "sytemic risk" to the Public School systems? And when will the government decide that bloggers like you and I are a "systemic risk" to the success of their agendas?
I don't like "systemic risk". I don't like the idea of it starting with government intervening (uh, or interfering) in private companies and corporations. I think it's one of those precedent-setting slippery slopes that inevitably will change life as we know it forever. What do you think? Are you a "systemic risk"? selahV
[copyrighted, 2009, SelahVToday, hariette petersen]