Sometimes you have no idea how he gained entrance into your peace of mind. You take down your guard. You forget a piece of armor. It may not even be something you did or did not do. On a regular basis, Satan's evil messengers are dispatched to discourage, oppress and make life hazardous to one's health.
Last week, we learned some things that gave us pause. Our already strapped financial status took another hit when my husband's hours got cut back. Groceries went up. Additional medical expenses tested our faith. My health took a backwards journey with no remedy in sight. People I dearly love were hit with insurmountable difficulties. So many of my friends related challenges and heartaches far worse than those crushing my spirit. I prayed their names...I left the specifics to the Holy Spirit. I couldn't think of a solitary thing to write. I was fortunate that the Lord had already given me words to share on my dailyIMPACT devotional blog.
The devil sneaks in and whispers, "See, it doesn't matter how much you write about the goodness of your Almighty God. Abundant life is a ruse. What are you going to do now?" I challenge his vile and oppressive words with, "Get thee behind me." But he comes on stronger. Day after day, time after time, again and again.
I knew I had let him in through some crack. I knew I'd allowed his evil murmurrings to dampen my spirit. I knew I'd given him a foothold. I began to count my blessings and was strengthened by the rest I take in my Savior, my refuge. I closed my eyes more, and sat still longer. I sang "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about Your name." I absorbed the fruitfulness of prayers of friends being answered for me. Little things. Encouraging words. Words that folks didn't even know I needed to hear. I ran to the Savior--my refuge, my hope. I fell into His arms and allowed His grace to be sufficient to meet the needs in my heart, my mind, my spirit and body.
Oppression doesn't leave by wishing it away. Satan doesn't stop because I want him to. He may step away for a while. He may back away in what seems a retreat. But he is ever thinking, planning, scheming. He manipulates and twists and watches for my guard to drop. He plans his next attack. But Jesus is my power to overcome in the battle today and tomorrow. I know that no matter how dark the tunnel, the Light is always there. I will not be defeated. selahV
[© SelahV Today, 2008]