I'm not the brightest lightbulb in the box.
I've got a whole lot less education than most anyone who reads my blog. I know less ecclesiology, theology, psychology, biology and methodology than the majority of people who happen by. (Needless to say, I'm honored anyone would choose to read me.) HOWEVER...
Since I became a Christian, the Good Lord in His all-knowing character saw fit to enlighten me on a few things from His inerrant, inspired Word. One of the things was to "beware of the wolves dressed as sheep". God warned me early on in my sanctification process that there would be those folks who'd come with every wind of doctrine and try to twist the Truth of God and lead me down a boulder-strewn path. So I am ever-mindful of my Lord's prayer for me that I be protected from the evil one. (see John 17). Nevertheless, occasionally I find myself persuaded to walk along after someone's pathway till I stumble across a boulder of ignorance and hypocrisy. Oftimes I'm met with scrapes and cuts that sometimes heal easily--while others leave gaping wounds that take years to heal. And even when they heal, they leave very noticeable scars as reminders to "beware of the wolves". Whoa!
“Woe”. I believe Jesus warns all Believers to be extremely careful with the knowledge, influence and power we have been given. (All things are from God--you can't boast in your own success, you know.) There are those who know a lot more than I, and those who know a lot more than you. And sometimes, the Lord gets in one of His humorous moods and takes someone who knows less than you or me, and uses them to teach us a lesson or two. He has great fun with those times, I think. Sometimes God even sends in the kings of Babylon to enslave us, an Egyptian caravan to move us, a giant fish to reduce us to vomit to get us to follow after Him and His righteousness.
To prove His point, God is not all that concerned with our comfort. Think about it. Prisons of Rome. Executioner's block. Waterless wilderness. Darkened caves. Storm-tossed boats. Hanging baskets. Isles of Patmos. No wonder Jesus warned us of the millstone; we can't all be Johns and Pauls.
"But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in and acknowledge and cleave to Me to stumble and sin..."? WOE UNTO THEM!
As I wrote today in my daily devotional blog, "It's not the unbeliever that will be held accountable, for he is condemned already." It's gonna be better that a millstone be tied around my neck and tossed in the deepest sea, than it will be if I lead a single child of God to stumble and consequently sin. I don't know about you, but I take that admonition quite seriously. How about you?
Has someone tripped you lately? Have you fallen into sinful behavior because of another's penchant to sin? Have you been provoked to arrogance because another was arrogant? Have you given into your own pride because another was condescending toward you? Have you used another's sinful behavior to excuse your own? Woe unto us who have.
Given the Lord's "Woe-of-Warning", what should Christians avoid doing? What should we avoid saying? What should we avoid supporting, endorsing, condoning and validating? How relevant are my choices to the "little ones" who believe in and cleave to Jesus? What difference does my example mean in the scheme of things?
Is what I tolerate today, the validation of tomorrow?
"Frankly, Scarlett," I do believe so.
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]