Yep. That's it. I fell asleep last night without so much as a care on my mind other than, "Will I sleep tonight?" I didn't give one thought to the fact that I might never wake up. And yet, by God's manifold grace, I did. And my very first thoughts?
"Lord, thank you so much for letting me sleep for six straight hours." Then, I thought again. And it ocurred to me that the Lord had also allowed me to waken to a brand new day. A day filled with the promise of His presence. The joy of His salvation. The blessings of a loving family. The warmth of a sheltered home. The goodness of kind and generous friends. The ability to see, to smell, touch, hear and understand the majesty of God's creation. The privilege to talk with Him and the surety of His written Word.
No, nothing has changed since yesterday. I still have the same sets of trials to endure. I still have the same weights trying to drag me down. The prince of this world still lurks in the shadows, waiting the opportune time to pounce. I still see the world has politics as usual, hate as strong, sin as rampant, and heartache as real. There is still the aftermath of earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, cyclones, wars and rumors of wars.
But today--today I woke up. And when I did, I realized it. Really, really realized how precious it is to be alive and that God chose me to live this day. Me! I look forward to what He has in store. How about you? selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2008]