"Think not important today what you shall think least of tomorrow." selahV
The last few days my brain has been fried--overloaded. Life has been so full of paperwork--Veterans Adminstration forms, Social Security forms, financial forms, retirement forms, disability forms, searching for old forms, and doctor's information forms--I've been simply overloaded with information. Important stuff.
That "important stuff", unfortunately, squeezed the life out of the truly important.
I've sat thinking about my blogs which I couldn't, for the life of me, muster up a post. Usually I can't finish one post without starting another. I can't take a picture without thinking of some spiritual truth the Lord has taught or is teaching me.
I have several emails in my inbox which I've read but not replied to because my thoughts are playing ring-around-the-rosey. I have multiple thank-you cards to send out but can't seem to pool together enough sense to write coherent thoughts of gratitude.
But God is good. He gives me fresh air. HayJae came over the other nite. Quite by happenstance. Her mother needed me to help her go pick up my grandson's truck. HayJae wanted to stay with me when we returned. And that I could not deny. Even though I hadn't the energy to slice a tomato. I've thought about her ever since.
"Grama, let's have a teaparty!" She went to my little cabinet and collected the tiny china teacups. She pulled out the tiny creamer for a teapot and asked for some tea (white grape juice). After she poured and served me, and we toasted "to us" a few times, she instructed that we should pick flowers. We did. My strength was quickly running out; I felt like a balloon releasing air.
I turned on the hose and let her water flowers. She was a joy to watch. All dressed up in her butterfly dress I'd made her last October for the Harvest Festival at church. "Watch me, Grama, watch me!"
And I did. I watched and she sprayed. It was a pleasurable, memorable moment. I captured it on my digital to share with her sister who lives in Alaska. But also for me. And for HayJae. You see, the most important moments of today are those which will remain important tomorrow. And eternally, I believe.
A friend of mine recently shared what an incredible influence I've been in her life. Another friend shared how much I meant to her as a youth leader over twenty years ago. A counselor shared that I was a great influence in the world. I wondered. How? I don't feel influencial. I didn't do anything to be influencial. I didn't purpose to be influencial. So how does it happen? I thought about HayJae.
She's such a blessing to my life. Yet, it's a highlight in her life to spend time with me. Over a year ago I introduced her to teaparties. Yet, when she came to my house the other night, she initiated the teaparty. Her joy, her happiness returned to brighten my day.
I planted the zinnias last year, yet they've been so neglected due to my illnesses, caring for my husband's health, trying to manage our financial matters and every-day "stuff". I'd simply let them grow but hadn't dead-headed, weeded, watered or even sat and looked at them lately. Then HayJae wanted to pick some and bring them into my life.
Simple things. What blesses another today is the importance of life tomorrow.
And what blessed HayJae yesterday blesses me today. I think my mind is getting clearer. Though illness seeks to claim my health and circumstance my time, my mind need not be enslaved. If I but bring all my thoughts into the captivity of Christ--even the mundane, the monotony, the overwhelming--my mind will have the space to see His glory. And He'll take care of the overload. Perhaps that is what He's been teaching me the past few days. selahV
[copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2007]