I was tagged by Heather at Freeheart Reflections to play an information disclosure game. If you are reading this and you are not Heather, then consider yourself tagged. LOL.
7 random facts/habits about themselves.
You must write on your own blog about the seven things as well as the rules.
Then you need to tag others and list their names. Then you leave them a comment on their blog telling them that they've been tagged and to read your blog.
Problemo...I don't know 7 bloggers who would play tag with me.
That's number 1.
Number 2: I am an extroverted introvert. Figure that one out. I've been trying to for 58 years.
Number 3: I don't watch much TV, (American Idol, occasionally HOUSE, and Fox News--that's it.) I don't go to the movies, don't rent videos and for the most part, I do not like jokes. I laugh at human nature. We are hilarious! Funny to me is what little kids say, and I'll read those emails every time I get one. Not fond of email forwards. Would rather have a two line personal message. (don't like to admit that because so many of my friends send forwards and nothing else. Wouldn't want to hurt their feelings.)
Number 4: I was a varsity cheerleader with Emmylou Harris in high school. I sold my yearbook for 173.00 on ebay with her pictures in it.
Number 5: I must have everything my heart desires because I delight in the Lord. So all that stuff I complain and whine about is simply insignificant stuff that I don't really want. Except I'd still like to have a week's vacation in Savannah, Georgia; a car that runs, and all my husband's aches and pains to be history.
Number 6: Cannot think about nothing!
Number 7: I wish I had known about homeschooling when my children were growing up. I'd love to go back and do things differently as a parent and a wife.
Ramblin Rose (because she doesn't blog, just reads blogs)
TNT (because she's funny)
Luke (because I want to know)
Peter (I will not hold my breath on this one! :) lol.)
BrittLeigh (because even though I only know her through reading her treasurable blog, she might just do this~~she has more friends than I do.)
ANYONE--because I can't think of another soul.
Well, Heather, that's about it. If you want to know more about me in the future...just ask. My life is an open book. selahV