Just can't seem to do that these days.
I begin a task and see another and off I go in another direction--totally forgetting the first task I've begun. Ever been like that?
Right now I am came into my office simply to check emails and here I am typing on a post I started three days ago. My brain won't work creatively. It's disconnected. Shorted out. I'm suppose to be vacumning and getting dressed for visitors. Instead, I'm typing.
I had a really great conversation thread going on SelahV's Questions and got so brain-fried I couldn't even get a coherent response to the many who took time to answer. I had folks email and say they were going to comment but after they read the other comments, they figured everything had been said. I disagree. I think folks ought to read the post, forget the comments and comment the way they wanna comment on the post. Then go back and read the comments and comment on the comments. I like originality....don't you? Don't you want to know what someone else thinks on a given subject?
I really want to know what people conclude on the Sovereignty of God. It's very important to me. How do you view God's Sovereign hand in your life at this moment? What is God doing with you? What are the circumstances in which you find yourself that causes pause to your plans, thoughts and actions?
Most of you know what is going on in my life. Were these things predestined? The losses? The illnesses? The relationships I've recently made via bloggersville? selahV