Uprooted weeds blow and tumble across the plains of life. So is my emptiness and fruitless devotion. Separate now the chaff from the wheat and sow the seeds of Your mercy and grace.
"Thus says the Lord God: come from the four winds, O breath and spirit, and breathe upon these slain that they may live." {Ez.37:9.
So much of what I do in any given day means so little in the realm of purpose and meaning. So much gives back nothing to the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I toy with moments and waste time every hour in the day.
I shop for beans and bread and consider which is a better value for the money. I organize clothes in a closet I will probably never wear. I purchase a vase to hold the daisies growing in my yard, when a mason jar would do just as well. I watch the current bad news on television when I could be reading more of the Good News in God's inspired Word.
My pleasure is not pleasure at day's end~~what purpose did my words serve? What fruit is harvested from the seeds of my thoughts? What gain is met by time I've spent?
I sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. {Hosea 8:7. The four winds blow to breathe upon my dead works and uselessness. What seeds can grow in the wastelands of my thoughts when all I cultivate is pessimism and negativity in the garden of my mind?
Blow Wind blow...bring upon my mind tornadic spirals of turbulence and rip the things I cling to from my grasp. Take from me all unnecessary treasures that will only burn away. Bring with Your cleansing Wind the Spirit of Your will and plant within me the seeds of faith, hope and love. selahV [copyrighted, SelahV Today, 2007]