Today was a wonderful Lord's day. It began the moment I awoke. Incredible joy filled my heart as I prepared for church. When I got in the shower I felt the presence of God and heard His still small voice. As water sprayed the conditioner out of my hair, ideas of impossibilities bounced through my mind.
I couldn't find one of my Sunday shoes. I only have one pair of Sunday shoes. I'd taken them off three Sundays ago. Haylee Jae had been over this past week and had worn them and only one was in the hallway. I had no idea where the other was. While I blow-dried my hair and applied make-up, my husband searched the house. (He is so good.) I only made him fifteen minutes late for open assembly in our department. We were there in plenty of time to get our coffee and chat a bit.
My mind wandered as announcements were made. I thought about the upcoming Discipleship class I would teach that evening for ladies. I hadn't taught a group of ladies in three years. Three years! I was really surprised to be asked by our Minister of Education. I could have said no. But the Lord said, "Yes." I decided I didn't want to chance the consequences of rebelling against Him so I acquiesed and picked up the literature. I was excited.
Our Sunday School lesson further increased my excitement in what the Lord was up to with me. Our discussions centered around what the Lord did with those folks who were building the tower of Babel. I knew immediately the Lord wanted me to remember He was going to be in charge of my teaching in the Discipleship Class that evening. I got more excited.
Worship began before I entered the sanctuary. From the hallway, I heard the voices of our combined youth and adult choirs singing "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb". We were about to have a celebration. I could tell. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck as I entered the sanctuary with my husband. We didn't sit in our usual spot five rows back and just left of the pulpit. Nope. I saw my 15-year-old grandson on the right side of the pulpit in the choir loft. I wanted to be in view of him as we worshiped. I motioned to my husband to sit front row center. And then I began to worship in earnest. My heart flooded with joy. I felt like it was Christmas. God was really up to something this morning. I could just tell.
Media testimonies about how much our church meant to folks were shown on the huge screens on each side of the walls. An on-the-street interview by our pastor with the community was shown. The choir sang "I Pledge Allegiance" again. I had a hard time standing still. So I didn't. My hands wouldn't just clap in rhytym to the music like everyone else's. Oh, no. The Spirit had me raising mine in praise and adoration. I began to get really excited. What was the Lord up to?
Our pastor preached from Malachi about bringing our tithes and offerings to the Lord and "testing Him" to provide in miraculous ways. Instead of God telling me how He was going to meet all the expenses in my life, He was telling me how much more He wanted me to give to Him for His glory. I wasn't the least bit surprised to hear myself agreeing with God to make an enormous sacrifice in the coming year for our 1.4 million-dollar building program to construct a huge youth building to accomodate all our youth for Sunday School and Wednesday night Worship services.
Debt free. We couldn't break ground till we'd put aside one million. Bro. Doug told us we had 725,000 thus far. It blew my mind. I hadn't paid much attention to the offering tallies in our newsletters each week. We only need $275,000! I leaned over and told my husband, "We're breaking ground this Spring. I can feel it." Again I heard the Lord tell me what part He wanted me to play in His plan. I could have said, "No." But the Lord said, "Yes." And I was not about to buck Him after such a blessing in our worship time.
My husband and I went to the altar to pray. We prayed about a lot of things. Next week we turn in our commitment cards. We all go to the front of the church and place them in a big treasure chest. It's not something our church keeps record of. The commitment is between us and God. I was so excited. My heart and soul and mind was brimming with joy.
After the service the President of our Ladies Ministries asked me to teach a study at our Ladies' retreat in March. I could have said, "No." But God said, "Yes." And I wasn't worried in the least about the consequences if I'd refused. I was so excited that the Lord was going to allow me to be part of building His Kingdom by edifying and encouraging ladies, that I almost shouted hallelujah.
Tonite as I taught the Discipleship Class, I shared my experiences of the day. The study I'm teaching for seven weeks is "He Speaks To Me." It was easy to share how God speaks to me. I'd heard Him all day. I sensed the need to make a confession to the ladies. I could have said, "No." But the Lord said, "Yes."
I shared how I couldn't understand why I didn't experience the joy of the Lord and have the expectancy of a child at Christmas, every Sunday morning. I wondered why today was different. Then I realized why. This morning I'd positioned myself to hear God speak. This morning I felt like the deer which panteth after water. This morning I could have said, "No." But this morning, all I wanted to do was say, "Yes, Lord, yes!" And so I did. And God blessed me beyond all expectation.
I haven't even begun to "test Him" yet. Can you imagine what He'll do when I surrender all? I'm taking an empty bucket next week. I'm gonna pray and fast from Friday to Sunday morning. I wanna make sure there's room to hold it all. Gosh, I'm excited. And I know exacty where my Sunday shoes are now--they're ready and waiting--just like my heart. [copyrighted,selahV,2007]