I have a friend/sister-in-Christ on facebook who, I think, exemplifies the vigilant lady we all need to have in our circle of friends. Yesterday she posted something I felt worth sharing and with her permission, here it is:
"I think there is a war on men, that is being played out on our TVs: men being routinely portrayed as idiots, while a smarter, more capable woman rolls her eyes, shakes her head, and handles the situation, whatever it is. Even in children's TV shows this is the case. In a recent episode of Good Luck, Charlie, on the Disney Channel, when a girl complained to her mother about how her father was teaching her to drive, the mother replied, "Your father has a very limited area of authority around here. Unfortunately for you, teaching you kids to drive is in that area." When the father asked what else was in that "limited area," the wife patted him gently on the chest and said, 'Barbequeing. That's it.'
After I watched that episode with my daughter, I talked with her about the difference between TV and reality, that her daddy is a very smart man, and he is the boss in our family, not only because he is smart, but also because God says that's the way families should be. I don't know that all mothers are taking the time to tell that to their kids, to help mitigate this image of the henpecked father as the norm. What I don't understand is why men continue to portray these dumb characters. Men are directing and producing these shows -- why aren't they standing up for the image of men in society?? Wake up, guys!!" ~Lori Hope Kingston
"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s recent comment about it being “enough” when all nine SCOTUS justices are women is an excellent case-in-point. Equal opportunity is not enough; the hard left needs affirmation and if necessary, revenge. Regardless, it is interesting to see what Americans think about the radical implications of a more gender-balanced workforce. A heated debate over the proper place of men and women in the economy is long overdue. Women are gaining more influence not only economically, but politically."
Do we not see what has happened in this country? More women voting in every election--outnumbering men. More women working in society-- outnumbering men. More and more women sitting in seats, not vacated by men, but forthrightly "demanded" by women. Fewer and fewer households where men are the leaders of their children and the protectors and providers. Less and less spiritual guidance by men, and more and more women assuming the God-ordained role of men. America is in crisis. The family is in crisis. The church is in crisis.
Yes, Lori Hope Kingston, I do think guys need to "wake up". And I suppose if they can't hear the alarm clock or can't seem to do much more than hit the "snooze button", we ladies who respect the Word of God and see the damage that's been done to our world by the obfuscation of His instructions, must get up, and nudge those sleeping dudes and let them know: we want men of God to put their pants back on and stand in the gap of the spiritual abyss. Their authority really does exceed that of "teaching kids to drive" and "barbequeing chicken". And the usurping of their role in society seems to be taking a toll.
Suzanne Venker asks, in her article War On Men: "...what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault?" Suzanne, "author of three books on the American family and its intersection with pop culture", offers some insightful information on this subject and the fact that while modern women still want marriage, there is a reason men don't:
"I’ve spent thirteen years examining social agendas as they pertain to sex, parenting, and gender roles. During this time, I’ve spoken with hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women. And in doing so, I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a subculture of men who’ve told me, in no uncertain terms, that they’re never getting married. When I ask them why, the answer is always the same.
Women aren’t women anymore." ~Venker
Why don't older Christian ladies heed Scriptural admonition to teach the younger women that it's really not a man's world; it's our world? that it's God's world. There is an order God sees that best serves the world He created. If modern women truly want to have men in their lives, they need to be women, too. If not, then take another bite of that proverbial "apple" ladies. Let the war rage on. See where that takes you. selahV
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