It's not trustworthy. Sad part about the world.... it is influenced and powered by the evil forces of Satan and his minions. And while we want to believe and trust our world, we cannot. We try. We sometimes relax our guard and believe that our judges will make the right decisions. Sometimes they do: Tynedale Bible publishers. Sometimes they don't: Hobby Lobby. For stories: LINK.
We watch our soldiers, marines, airmen and navy go to war and watch the people they are trying to help turn on them and murder them on their bases: link. We pray for them and pray the leaders lead by example. Sometimes they fail us: example/link. But most times, our military women and men are exemplary and honorable.
We approve of and send Ambassadors to foreign countries and we trust our government to protect them and other Americans. Sometimes they fail miserably: example? Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans left to die in Benghazi, Libya. We cannot trust the government for the truth. The Secretary of State, our CIA Director, our Secretary to the UN, our President of the United States. They lie to us. We cannot trust them.
You'd think we'd learn. You'd think we'd know this world cannot be trusted. People trust in many things. They trust their clergy, their church leaders. Sometimes they fail. Miserably, sometimes. They break the trust of the people, or parents, or children. One of many examples: sexual abuse of children.
And then there is this little sidebar slice of life in my own life:
Eight-year-old Haylee to me: "Mommy lost her cell-phone at church tonite."
Me: "No, sweetie, someone stole Mommy's cell-phone at church tonite."
Haylee: "Oh, no, Grama; people don't steal in church."
Me: "I wish that was true, but there are some people who steal things everywhere you go, sweetheart. Even at church."
When people cannot go to a church dinner without someone stealing another person's phone off the table when a person goes to throw away her trash, then life is getting really, really sad. We are praying for whoever took my daughter's phone to have an attack of conscience and return it. However, our faith in humanity is a whole lot smaller than the size of a mustard seed. Our faith is in the Lord. As my daughter goes to buy a new phone today, I am reminded that we are still living in a fallen world. A world full of people with depraved nature who follow their own evil, selfish desires at the expense of others. It's life.
Yet, do we stop trusting people? Can we? I say, "No." We cannot. We must not live in such fear that we cannot believe in others. However, we cannot let our trust in humanity be what guides our confidence. Nor can we expect humanity to be perfect in all decisions, behavior, doctrines, beliefs and viewpoints.
In the final analysis, we live in the world. We trust in the Lord who is sovereign over the world. We must be vigilant. We must guard against the lies that people tell. We must take care and discern the spirit of others who seek to manipulate our minds and emotions. We must guard against the wiles of the devil. We must resist the desire to hate as others hate us. We must pray for blessing upon our enemies, that God will open their eyes to Truth... to Life... to the Way. Jesus. Only He can be completely trusted.
Only God's Word is sure and infallible and inerrant. Man is full of good intentions. Man is verbose in promises. But man is fallible. Man is subject to failure. And the more I witness the failures of man, government, judges, and churches, the more I trust in the Most High God. And I am grateful for His grace and mercy and steadfast love in spite of my own failings. Are you? selahV
"This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD." Jeremiah 17:5
"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." Psalm 118:8
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