I know. I was there. My fifteen year old grand-daughter was among them. And it filled my spiritual cup to the brim to watch it all from behind the scenes as candidates for baptism gathered with family and friends to get instructions on baptism. From 5th graders, to teenagers, to adults.
On the heels of reading the blogpost announcing the SBC has recorded the lowest number of baptisms since 1948, I have to tell ya, this church gave me hope. Great hope.
What are they doing right?
Let's see. The Gideon speaker was there and the pastor heartily encouraged folks to give to their ministry of giving out free Bibles around the world. And the Gideon speaker said they ministered to over 3,000 inmates and the Wichita Falls corrections last year and 356 were saved. Gideons. Have you had a Gideon speaker in lately to help encourage that ministry?
Then Senior Pastor Bob McCartney shared a wonderful message on Grace and salvation. And I took a bunch of notes. Kinda liked what he had to say. Wonder if they have his sermons online. Hmmn, have to check that out.
Here's part of what FBC Wichita believes is needed among tons of ministry outreach and opportunities:
"1.) Decisions - We want to see people make life and eternity changing decisions for Christ by accepting Him as their Savior. To that end you will find both our staff and members ready to share how to become a Christian.
2.) Development - Once a person has accepted Christ we want to help them grow as a Christian through a variety of opportunities including LIFE Groups, Family Night at First, Special Bible Studies for various interests and more.
3.) Deployment - We believe that a Christian, and the church, should help others so we want to help everyone find a place of service where they may use their skills, talents and abilities to help others come to know Christ and grow in their faith.
Ultimately the purpose of the church is to lead people to become obedient and reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ, as He commanded in Matthew 28:18-20." (copied from FBC Wichita Falls site/link)
I'm grateful my granddaughters are a part of this exciting church. As I watched person after person being baptized behind the scenes in the baptismal area, many of the witnesses were crying tears of joy. Shouts of celebration could be heard from the congregation as children of God rose up from the baptismal pool.
Not sure what this church is really doing right, but they sure are a friendly group of folks. And they seem quite happy to be worshipping God. From the outside, looking in, I'd say they have a lot to offer their community and the body of Christ for sure. Thought it rather telling that they believe in discipling believers to share their faith, too. Key to getting baptisms, wouldn't you say? selahV
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