Can anyone believe that in today's climate of evil, rebellion, and enmity with God, that man can exact any justice? Can you?
We cringe at the horror brought upon a small Connecticut town by a madman who slaughters little children so close to Christmas. We read and hear reports that a possible motive was jealousy. He was jealous because his mother shared her time helping others-- children at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown. His jealousy, and fear of losing his little kingdom, set in motion the senseless murder of innocents. Adam Lanza's jealousy is no different than the jealousy Herod had when the wisemen came from the East and inquired about the King of Jews and asked where He was born. Herod decreed that all Hebrew children two years and under be slaughtered. He was jealous of Jesus. He was afraid of losing his little kingdom, too.
What kingdom do you fear losing? What do you cling to in life that separates you from experiencing the true gift of God's grace and glory? Are you jealous of another pastor, another writer, another leader, another ministry? Are you afraid of losing your own little kingdom? Will you slaughter anothers reputation and ministry to get what you want? Will you destroy to gain temporary admiration and power? Would you manipulate the "wise men" to protect your kingdom?
God, in his infinite wisdom and sovereign grace, sent a message by way of a dream to the wisemen and they did not return to Herod and share where they'd found the Christ child. An angel warned Mary and Joseph about Herod's plans. Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt till it was safe to return to Israel. Jesus grew in stature and wisdom and favor with God and man. The government was upon His shoulders then, just as it is today. We do not battle and find rejection because of our notoriety or power; no, no. We face the smallest of persecutions because the world hates the Son of God. Just as Herod sought to destroy the threat of the King of Jews, the world seeks to destroy the threat of Christ in the lives of Christians everywhere. But they cannot. The world is powerless in comparison to the Lord of lords, the King of kings. Justice is not in the world; judgment is upon the world. Justice is in the heart of Christ. And that is where we must abide. There is no one who can destroy the kingdom of God. Not one. No matter how bad it appears, God is still in control. In HIM is justice.
"Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." ~~Isaiah 9:7
Amen, SelahV!
In this world there is no lasting peace, rest, or justice.
But we have all those things in Him. And one Day He will make them a reality in His New Kingdom. But we have access to them already, in Him.
Posted by: Steve Martin | December 21, 2012 at 09:19 AM
Steve, indeed we do. those who believe in Him. so grateful for this season to remind the world of His goodness amid the turmoil. Have a blessed Christmas. selahV
Posted by: hariette | December 21, 2012 at 10:11 AM