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    Seeking writers with positive stories, anecdotes, essays, announcements, posts and experiences involving the SBC. WHAT'S GOD UP TO IN YOUR CHURCH? YOUR SCHOOL? YOUR VOCATION? YOUR MISSION FIELD?

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June 07, 2012


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Peggy Scott

Dear Hariett: Just wanted you to know that I enjoyed your devotion,Do you have what I have. Peace with My God. This week has been stressful in many ways and with the death of a family friend, but the only way I can face each day is to turn it over to God every morning when I arise. God sends us to a specific devotion for the day that relates to what we are going thru each day.Yours hit the spot. You have a new reader and thank you for your comments on my blogging and the death of our friend. Peggy Scott


Hi Peggy, so glad to have you comment. I do pray God pours out His grace in mega-amounts to meet the needs of your heart and calms your mind. Also, I pray for that family who lost their son. My heart breaks for them. The agony is unexplainable and hard for any to comprehend.
God has a way of putting people together in times like this that shows me, just how much He cares about my every thought and feeling. He is good. I am so grateful my words helped you. Thanks for telling me. selahV

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