I read a cute quote one time. Bear with me if I misquote it.
"The only time a woman can change a man is when he is in diapers."
I cracked up when I read that! It's so true. When we ladies first fall in love with the man of our dreams, we think he is perfect. As time goes by we find more and more things his mother failed to teach him. So we set about trying to correct the problems. However, any woman who has been married for over 30 years will attest that men DO NOT change because we women make them, nag them or beg them. They may change a habit or two--in time, but it will be in their time. And even then, they must see the change as important to self-preservation--not our peace of mind or fanciful whims.
My husband has changed alot over the past 41 years we've been married. I think it is because I started small. It took us several months to agree how the toilet paper should be placed on the holder. Over or under? That was the question. I preferred over, he preferred under. We place it over today. He agreed we should do it my way. I could claim a victory from that tiny battle, but I'm not really sure I won much in the way of spoils of war. You see, I'm the only one who ever replaces an empty card-paper tube with a full roll.
As another quote goes, "the proof is in the pudding"; and that may be true. But one thing is certain, there ain't much proof in the throne room. [copyrighted, selahVtoday, 2007]