I sit here in my cozy little home, drinking a hot cup of raspberry tea laced with honey (of course...it's an habitual addiction). I was going to watch a movie on television (Rudy), but became disenchanted with the leading character's love for Notre Dame football. I've seen the movie before and it is a very heartwarming story. However, I just wasn't in the mood for it . A chick-flick would be more my style, I think.
I couldn't go to church this a.m. with my hubby because my back was so bad when I awoke I had to do the Tim Conway shuffle to get to the bathroom when I got out of bed. After my excruciating scoot to the potty, I made my way to the freezer and grabbed my icepack for my back.
I listened to David Jeremiah preach on acting on our faith and was convicted by his story about "almost" helping someone who needed it. It reminded me of all the times I had the best of intentions to do something for someone and didn't. The card I almost sent to the grieving widow, the soup I almost took to a friend. The call I almost made, the encouragement I almost gave. By the time Dr. Jeremiah's sermon ended, I felt reasonably chastized and convicted of my baser selfishness and perpetual procrastination.
Charles Stanley's preaching on getting rid of guilt (good one, considering I was feeling guilty about staying home), also fed my soul as I realized that no matter how hard I try to be perfect, I can't be. Dr. Stanley reminded me that God himself paid the price to take away my sin and guilt (including selfishness and apathy)-- not to mention all the false-guilt we place upon ourselves. Jesus paid it all; all I need do is accept His grace and mercy, then move forward to a new day, with greater resolve to act upon the good intentions so that they become reality.
As I sat here toying with my computer, surfing here and there across cyberspace, I realized how cold it was outside, how blustery the wind was, how glad I was inside on the day the weatherman predicted 72 degree temperatures with wind-gusts up to 25 mph, in which reality produced tempearatures four degrees short of freezing water. After perusing a few of my favorite blogs on decor and homelife, and watching a Youtube video on the techniques of needle felting, I decided to light some candles and fool my mental state into believing I had a warm and cozy fireplace blazing before me...hey, it works for me.
I think I succeeded with the chance of warmth, however, I'm still working on the guilt of staying home from church and almost painting a landscape of trees to send a dear friend in Kentucky. I will get better. I promise myself that. With God's grace and mercy...and with Pinterest ideas and blogging sisters to stir me on toward good works, I shall prevail no matter how wild and windy it gets outside. hariette petersen
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