Let's face it, fat-belly is not only ugh-ugly, but sets you up for life-threatening illnesses like heart disease, and gut-wrenching gall-bladder, kidney and liver problems (not to mention the heart-burn side issues, and digestive problems).
It's not all your fault, you know. It's not just the chips, the occasional mint-chocolate chip ice cream. It's hormonal, too.
So what do ya do when your waist is nonexistent? When your hourglass becomes an milk jug? When you can't do sit-ups or even stomach crunches? When diets fail you? Well, Dr. Oz has some ways that fit my situation (back problems), to a "T". You can read his Get Rid of Belly Fat blogpost/link and see for yourself how just eating nuts, avocados and eliminating the junk-fat that likes to form a tire around your middle can make a difference. But be sure and follow all the links for tips and more information.
EASY EXERCISE IDEA: Suck in your gut, holding your breath for 4 seconds then release it. Dr. Oz said to get down on all fours like a cat and do it. I can barely crawl into my bed at night because of my back, so I decided transforming myself into a cat on the floor was not a good idea. Therefore I just sucked in my gut. I did this one day as I watched television commercials, stopped at stop-lights, brushed my teeth (things like that), and the next day my stomach and my back muscles protested my efforts. All that showed me is how successful it is to suck in your gut on a regular basis. It's an easy exercise. No stress, no strain, no pain (until the following day). My son use to tell me, "no pain, no gain". I know he was right. It may take a while, but I plan to create a waist by Christmas.
Excuses, excuses. I have them. Lots of them. Very legitimate excuses. But just because I can't do all the exercises, doesn't mean I can't do some. And some is better than none. Being so sedentary due to the back pain and the fear of doing more damage, only increases the problem.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Just as I know God helps me and gives me strength to overcome difficulties in life, I know He will give me strength to do things which can help me with my difficulties.
You see, I think a portion of my back problems is due to the extra weight on my belly. Sure, I have degenerative disc disease, but this extra weight surely plays a role. I've got so much extra roll around my middle I can barely reach my feet to clip my toenails. Never mind paint them. It's ridiculous!!! I have a goal. I want to tie my sneakers without breaking a sweat. And if I have to suck in my gut a hundred times a day to get there, it will be worth it. selahV
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