A dear friend of mine, who blindly loves me with all the grace of God, face-booked me this comment: "BTW what does frumpy mean? Because I must have the wrong definition. You, my friend [are] anything but frumpy."
Ya simply gotta love a friend like that, don't you? I needed to assure Mary that I was indeed frumpy. I considered what it meant to me. So given the fact that since Thanksgiving, I've added another 15 pounds to my excess of 75, I answered: "Frumpy: a sloppy, colorless, wad of bleh! LOL."
Dressing room mirrors in all the local stores confirm it. I tried on some rather nice little articles of clothing last week--things I'd seen others wearing that seemed sooooo chic and stylish. Folks. Let me tell ya something. Short people can't wear the same cheetah and fox faux-fur vests that taller folks wear-- unless said "short people" can shop outside the fuller-figure racks of clothing. All the stylish bulky sweaters do is add more bulk. All the lime-green, magenta, clingy, thinner fabrics do is accentuate the negative rolls and wads one wants to camouflage. So adding color to the "wad" isn't necessarily the answer. It kinda calls attention to it. Ever notice how the larger the size, the bigger the flowers and stripes are on the fabric? I have. A five-foot-one and, uh...chunky person dressed in tight-fitting or loose-fitting tee-shirt material is frumpy. Plain and simple.
Couple that with my hairstyle (which hasn't been cut, or shaped in a year), and I qualify for at least one definition of frumpy. Oh, what to do, what to do...
Gotta have a strategy...a plan of action...a resolve. Ya know? Exercise is an option. And maybe a higher consideration to diet?
Okay...I guess the trip I made to the grocery yesterday could count for exercise. But I don't think the Nutty Bars, Cheezits, Eclairs and Vienna Fingers I purchased could be considered helpful, unless I give them to all my tall, skinny friends at church tomorrow. Do you? selahV
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